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3 SEO checks to perform yourself on an online store

Webshop entrepreneurs are usually too busy to bother with SEO.Instead of leaving this task to marketers, it is also possible to keep a finger on the pulse yourself. Test the organic findability of an online shop yourself with these 3 SEO checks.


H1, a partner of ours that we work with more often, asked us to explain more about SEO. In this video, our specialist Jelle and Angelique Nanning of H1 explain three simple SEO checks.

Getting Started with Google Webmasters

Before accessing the various reports that have been discussed, first of all, it is important to have a verified Google Webmasters (formerly Google Search Console) account. That can be created through Google Webmaster. For a verified e-commerce Web shop, the owner of that verification can link the e-mail address.

Where can I find the 3 SEO checks?

Where exactly are these 3 SEO checks found within Google Webmasters?

SEO check 1: Report keywords performance
Go to the report called 'Performance' to see the scoring overview of the keywords. To compare, go to the filter 'date', select'compare' and choose the periods to be contrasted.

SEO check 2: Index coverage report
Go to ''index' > 'coverage'. There are a total of 4 categories in this report, all 4 of which were covered in the video. Namely valid pages, excluded pages, valid pages with warnings and pages with an error.

SEO check 3: Site vitality report
The vitality report can be viewed at 'optimizations' > 'Site vitality". This report discusses 3 factors involved in usability. These include the CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift). These are the moving elements that Jelle discusses in the video. The other factors are LCP (Largest Contentfil Paint) and FID (First Input Delay). LCP means that Google looks at how long the largest visible element takes to render on the web shop. FID is about how long it takes for a page to respond to user actions. For both; the longer it takes, the worse it is for the user experience.

Are there still problems in the reports where professional help is desired? If so, please contact us.

Get in touch

Are there problems in reports that just can't be fixed? Or do you need help with SEO checks? Engage us for help.

Working together?

I'm Roel, founder of Tomahawk. I am happy to help you from our office in Nijmegen.