Marketing Dictionary

Demand generation

What is demand generation?

Demand generation, often abbreviated as demand gen, is a marketing strategy aimed at creating awareness and interest in a product or service among potential customers. Unlike lead generation, which focuses on collecting contact information from interested prospects, demand gen is all about building brand recognition and stimulating demand without directly trying to sell anything. The goal is to make potential customers aware of your brand and products so that when they are ready to make a purchase, they will consider your company.

An important aspect of demand gen is using educational and valuable content to inform and engage potential customers, even if they are not yet ready to buy. This can range from blog posts and webinars to social media campaigns and email newsletters. It's about building a strong relationship with your audience by helping them with useful information that will make them trust and consider your brand when they are ready to make a purchase decision.

In practice, demand gen is often integrated with SEA (Search Engine Advertising) to reach a wider audience and introduce them to your brand. A best practice is to use different marketing channels to get your message across consistently and effectively. For example, you can do this through ads that target general keywords to create awareness, while also offering targeted content through social media and email campaigns. The goal is to create demand and guide prospects through the marketing funnel, so they ultimately convert when they are ready. All of this contributes to a stronger brand and greater market presence.

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