Marketing Dictionary

Smart bidding (google)

What is smart bidding?

Smart Bidding is an automated bidding strategy from Google that uses machine learning to optimize your Search Engine Advertising (SEA) campaigns. The goal of Smart Bidding is to show your ads at the right time and to the right people, so you can use your ad budget as efficiently as possible. Instead of manually adjusting bids, you let Google do the heavy lifting by automatically adjusting bids based on the likelihood that a click will result in a desired action, such as a purchase or subscription.

The power of Smart Bidding lies in the fact that it takes into account a wide range of signals in real time. These include the user's location, the device he or she is using, the time of day, and even previous interactions with your website. By analyzing all of these factors, Google can more accurately determine how much you need to bid to achieve the desired results. This makes your campaigns more efficient and allows you to get more out of your budget without having to constantly adjust bids manually.

In practice, Smart Bidding is particularly useful for advertisers who have clear goals for their campaigns, such as maximizing conversions or achieving a specific return on ad spend(ROAS). A best practice is to deploy Smart Bidding in conjunction with clear campaign goals and sufficient historical data so that Google's algorithm can properly learn and optimize. It is also important to regularly evaluate your results and adjust your settings based on performance. By using Smart Bidding effectively, you can optimize your SEA campaigns and get better results without constant manual intervention.

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