Marketing Dictionary

Google display campaign

What is a google display campaign?

A Google Display campaign is a type of ad campaign within Google Ads that allows you to show visual ads, such as banners or videos, on websites, apps and YouTube. Unlike Google Search campaigns, which target people actively searching for something, a Display campaign targets people as they browse or view content. The ads appear on millions of websites and in apps that are part of the Google Display Network, helping you bring your brand to a large and diverse audience.

The main goal of a Google Display campaign is brand awareness and repeated exposure. This can be useful, for example, for companies looking to launch new products or increase brand awareness. Because Display ads are visual, you can creatively convey your message with images, videos and attractive call-to-actions (CTAs). This makes them ideal for generating interest and attracting new customers who haven't interacted with your brand before.

You set up a Google Display campaign through Google Ads, Google's advertising platform. In Google Ads, you choose the campaign type "Display Network" and set up your campaign by defining your target audience, ad formats and budget. The platform offers you various tools to optimize your campaign, such as targeting options based on demographics, interests and behavior, as well as retargeting options to re-target people who have already visited your website. By using these tools effectively, you can promote your brand in a visually appealing way and reach your target audience at the right time.

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