Many web shops are so focused on acquiring new customers that they almost forget about their existing customers. A shame, because it is as much as five times cheaper to generate sales from existing customers. Read herewhich four automationsshould not be missing.
We regularly hear the question "what emails should I send". The fastest results are generated when emails are tailored to browsing or ordering behavior. A valuable tool we use for this is RFM analysis. With this, we classify customers based on their ordering behavior: how long they have been customers, how many purchases they have made and how much they spend. With this data, we can then set up one of the automations below.
Want to know more about automations?
Not familiar with an RFM analysis? Then read our white paper. From newsletters to automations: getting the most out of a customer base.
1. Abandoned cart automation
On average, 70% of visitors leave their shopping cart without checking out. The reason for this is not necessarily disinterest. It can be as simple as not having a bank card handy. Because customers have a buying intention, abandoned cart emails are usually one of the best converting emails that web shops send.
In the example below, DNA test vendor 23andMe responds well to their target audience's desire to find out their genetic origins. They focus in the email not on purchasing the product, but on satisfying the need.
2. Back-in-stock notifications.
When an online store has to deal with products that go out of stock, it is of course a shame if an interested visitor ends up on such a product page. To still take advantage of this interest, it is wise to ask visitors to leave their e-mail address so that they receive a notification when the product is back in stock.
That this doesn't have to be complicated is proven by the example below from Zalando. By stating how many items are still in stock and how many other buyers are waiting for the product, we create more urgency.
3. Replenishment automation
Are there any consumables in the range? These are repurchased over time. Prevent customers from searching for the product again and perhaps ending up with a competitor by automated reminder emails. Replenishment emails are efficient for generating recurring sales. With average open rates of 50-60% and average click rates of 40-50%, it may be clear that they work.
A consumable (or consumer product) is defined as a product that is made up during use. This includes food, as well as products that have a limited lifespan due to consumption, combustion, wear or contamination. Examples include food, fuel, medicine, office supplies, personal care products, bricks for a bricklayer, cleaning products and non-rechargeable batteries.
The example below from (now Walgreens) is simple, but effective enough for simple household items.It is also possible to show other relevant products or an upsell in these emails.
4. Winback automation
An RFM analysis easily identifies customers who bought a lot in the past but haven't ordered anything in a while. By sending these customers winback emails, we can make one last attempt to win them back. This email should really be a little bolder than usual because this is, in fact, a last chance. Make sure the email stands out in the inbox and make an eye-catching offer; "an offer they can't refuse. Consider in advance what budget to spend on this customer and stay true to the brand.
If you really can no longer activate the customer, it is interesting to find out why a customer no longer orders. Has the need for the product decreased or can they get a better price at a competitor? With this valuable feedback, we are able to sharpen the offer for other customers.
In the example below from Birchbox, a beauty subscription service, a free beauty blender (makeup sponge) is given away. This product is sought after by the target audience and can give just that push, to take out another subscription.
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