Tomahawk Blog

'Expose' yourself with Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories offers you the chance to show the face behind the website or webshop. Your face, that is! What are the benefits of this feature? And how can you use it for your business?

Back to basics for a moment

Instagram is the social media platform all about photo sharing and inspiration. From vacation photos to perfectly made pizzas, almost everything can be shared on Instagram. There are about 4.8 million Instagram users in the Netherlandsandn the app is especially popular among young peoplanden people between the ages of and en 39.

Meanwhile, this social media platform has also dived into the world of short stories. It works like this: in the timeline, there is a bar at the top with profile pictures of people you follow. The profile pictures get a red border when one of them has added a new photo or video to his or her story. You can click on it to see the new post and also comment on it. The old introductory video of Instagram Stories:

But you could already share photos on Instagram, right?

That's right. Instagram is known for sharing "the perfect photo," which would set the bar too high for sharing a quick "moment" with your Instagram followers. The number of posts on this medium is declining and Instagram Stories is a good way to make the medium more accessible.

One advantage over the regular Instagram timeline is that instead of sharing one photo, you can post multiple images and videos of up to 60 seconds. That means you can tell a story.

The Instagram Stories you create disappear after 24 hours, unless you add them to your Instagram Stories Highlights. These highlights appear directly below your bio. So it's an ideal way to avoid polluting your beautiful gallery with photos that you wanted to share with your followers quickly but are not beautiful enough for your regular timeline.

Wasn't that idea nicked from Snapchat?

Yep. Snapchat is a social medium where people can share photos (including emojis and text) with their network. Those photos are only available for a short time. By introducing Stories, Instagram hopes that people will spend more time in the app. So whereas on Instagram you can quietly scroll through your timelineandn read content from half a week ago three days later, the Stories may disappear. This will force users to check updates regularly.

What is the difference between Snapchat Stories and Instagram Stories?

Both features offer the option of posting (formatted) photos that disappear on their own. One advantage Instagram has over Snapchat is that Instagram Stories is generally perceived as more user-friendly and your stories are more likely to be viewed because the medium has a wider reach. Moreover, the feature is in an app that users are already familiar with, making them more likely to start using it than if they had to download a whole new app. Also convenient for you, as you can easily "try out" this feature if you already own an Instagram account.

Easy photo editing with Instagram Stories. Source: Instagram.

What businesses is Instagram Stories suitable for? And how do you deploy it?

Instagram and Instagram Stories can be ideal for a wide variety of businesses. Whereas Snapchat is primarily aimed at younger audiencesandn is suitable for hianden adventurous businesses, Instagram (Stories) offers opportunities for:

  • Companies where photos add value;
  • Companies with young audiences: about 75% of young people use Instagram and nearly 50% of 20- to 39-year-olds use Instagram.
  • Informal companies that, in addition to the business-related info on their feed, want to offer readers a behind-the-scenes peek to increase engagement (and whose followers can appreciate it, of course);
  • Businesses that want local exposure. That's because you can geotag updates (add a GPS coordinate to them) and, in addition, users can check in on places where they are.

For example, think of a picture of the new collection that has arrived or show images where you are busy choosing the winner of a contest. You and your employees "come to life" making the connection between your followersandn your company (even) more personal. You can share the great photos that are company-related via your Instagram timelineanden the other "backstage" photos via Stories. A great way to keep the fun behind-the-scenes photand en the business aspects of your business separate, but still create a personal connection with your followers. Plus, they can choose whether they want those Stories, so you don't overload them with all sorts of unwanted snapshots.

What are the benefits of Instagram Stories?

  • You can see how many people and who have seen your Story, so you can adjust your future Stories accordingly;
  • You can try things out without immediately losing your current group of followers if it proves unsuccessful;
  • Your profile with red border at the top of the account of users who follow you attracts attention nicely;
  • You can set yourself apart from your competitors by publishing truly unique photos and unleashing your creativity on them using the emojis, text, brushesandn the filters;
  • You can choose photos from your phone's gallery that were taken up to 24 hours ago, so you don't have to share them right away if it's inconvenient;
  • Is your creation a success in Stories? Then save it as an Instagram Story Highlight;
  • With the introduction of Instagram Shopping, you no longer only have to focus on branding and engagement, but you can also convert through Instagram, even in Stories;
  • Thanks to the Instagram Business account, you have better insight into the statistics.

What are the benefits of Instagram Stories?

  • You can give discount codes that disappear, forcing your followers to check your updates regularly;
  • Introducing your new collection (and combining it with Instagram Shopping)
  • Showcase the preparations for an event or festival to encourage your followers to buy a ticket;
  • Introducing a new colleague to give your company a face;
  • Displaying your products in a different way from your online store to give your followers inspiration or stand out;
  • Show that you are at work. Take a photo while teaching a course or show a photo of a stack of packed boxes, something that gives your followers a behind-the-scenes look;
  • Share interesting facts behind your business, show the place where you get your inspiration for new products, take a picture of a mood board or post a picture of Friday afternoon drinks;
  • Give a tour of your company so that the distance between you and your followers is reduced. Who doesn't find it interesting to know how the product is made or your service is created?

What should you pay attention to?

Instagram can be very valuable for your online business and it is fun to post newandn (if possible) creative updates every time. However, also keep in mind that setting up such an accounanden posting updates, takes a lot of time. Moreover, you have to be careful not to just start posting haphazardly, but you have to know how to publish useful posts.

Are you already using Instagram for your business? If so, the switch to Stories is not a big deal. Of course, it is equally important to know what you are starting with. For example, it is important not to share the same posts on Snapchat or other media as well; each medium is different.

Get in touch

Do you also want to get started with Instagram? We would love to get started for you with a good social strategy and the use of social advertising.

Working together?

I'm Roel, founder of Tomahawk. I am happy to help you from our office in Nijmegen.