Marketing Dictionary

Hero campaign

What is a hero campaign?

A "hero campaign" within SEA (Search Engine Advertising) is an ad campaign that focuses on products or services that perform exceptionally well. These are the real "heroes" of your offering-products that are popular, generate a lot of sales, and often provide the most return on your advertising budget. These campaigns usually get a lot of attention and resources because they are the driving force behind the growth of your business. The goal of a hero campaign is to maximize the power of these top products by bringing them to the attention of your target audience in the best way possible.

Hero campaigns are important because they offer the best opportunities to achieve your marketing goals. Say you have a few products that always sell well, such as a best-selling gadget or a popular fashion item. By setting up a hero campaign specifically for these products, you can ensure that they get even more visibility. You do this, for example, by setting higher bids for keywords that are directly related to these products, or by making sure the ads for these products are displayed more prominently. Because you know these products are performing well, it is also less risky to invest more money in their promotion.

The functional use of a hero campaign is to use your ad budget efficiently and focus on what really works. By placing your best-performing products in a separate campaign, you can give them extra power and increase their success even further. This means that you not only attract more customers, but also stay ahead of the competition by making the products that are already strong even stronger. A hero campaign can also help establish a brand or product as the leader in its category by continuously increasing visibility and sales. Ultimately, the goal of a hero campaign is to give the best-performing products in your lineup a push. Relative to a hero campaign, a sidekick campaign plays a supporting role. Whereas the hero campaign focuses on the absolute top products, the sidekick campaign ensures that well-performing but non-leading products also get the necessary attention. These products

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