Marketing Dictionary


What is indexabilty? And how does it work for Google?

Indexability, or indexability, refers to the ability of search engines such as Google to find, crawl and include your website's pages in their index. This index is like the database of all the Web pages the search engine has collected. When someone searches for something on Google, the information from this index is used to display the most relevant search results. If your website or certain pages of it cannot be indexed properly, it means that they may not appear in the search results, preventing people from finding your website.

The indexability of your Web site depends on several factors. First, the structure of your website must be clear and logical so that search engines can easily navigate through your pages. This means, for example, that all important pages must be accessible via links and that there are no unnecessary blockers, such as pages that have been accidentally excluded via a robots.txt file. In addition, the technical quality of your Web site plays a role, such as using an XML sitemap that helps search engines find all the pages of your site and understand which ones are the most important. You also need to make sure your pages do not load too slowly, as this can deter search engines.

In practice, improving the indexability of your website is essential for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you want your website to rank well in search results, you need to make sure that all important pages are indexed correctly by search engines. This can mean regularly checking your website for technical problems, for example, with tools such as Google Search Console. This tool helps you see which pages are indexed properly and which have problems. By improving the indexability of your website, you increase the chances of your pages being included in search results, which ultimately leads to more visibility and traffic to your site. Thus, optimizing indexability is an important

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