Marketing Dictionary

Topic cluster

What is a topic cluster?

A topic cluster is a way to organize and structure the content on your Web site around a specific topic or theme. The idea behind a topic cluster is that you choose one main topic, also called a "pillar page," and place several sub-topics under it that are related to that main topic. These subtopics are covered in separate, shorter articles or pages, all connected to each other and to the pillar page through internal links. This helps create a network of related content that is logical and easy for both users and search engines to follow.

Using topic clusters is important for SEO because it helps search engines better understand what your website is about and how the different pages are connected. Internal links connecting the subtopics to the pillar page allow search engines to crawl and index your site more efficiently. Moreover, this approach strengthens your position as an authority on a particular topic, because you show that you are not just providing superficial information, but are an in-depth and comprehensive source of knowledge on the chosen topic.

In practice, you can use topic clusters to strategically organize your content to improve your website's SEO performance. A best practice is to start by identifying a broad, relevant topic for your audience that acts as the pillar page. Then you create related content that delves deeper into specific aspects of that topic and link back to the pillar page. This helps not only search engines, but also visitors to easily navigate through your content and find all the information they need. By using topic clusters effectively, you can strengthen the overall cohesion of your website, which can contribute to better search engine rankings and an improved user experience among your website visitors.

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